The correct virtual data room workflow is vital for companies involved in M&A due-diligence or other data sharing. It could make the difference between an efficient and smooth process and one which is a hassle and hinders the outcome of the deal.

A VDR with a variety of document-sharing options can help businesses speed up their processes and increase efficiency, even in a data space that contains thousands of documents as well as complex folder structures. Folder templates, for example, can accelerate due diligence and help users organize files according pre-set standards like company or subject matter. Enhanced drag and drop upload capabilities can also reduce the time it takes to upload files to the platform.

Other features that can save time include the ability to mark a document or folder as a favourite, and filter to show only the items. This feature saves time and streamlines document review by eliminating the need to look through the entire virtual data room’s files, searching for specific files or information. Users can also swiftly scroll through documents to get familiar with the system and speed up their review with VDRs that have unlimited scrolling.

In addition to these document sharing features and features, virtual data rooms offer an array of security features to help businesses safeguard sensitive and confidential data with two-factor authentication, password protection, and the ability to view fences. Fence view restricts access to the virtual data room to just the time and IP address of the user, preventing users from being able to capture photos or screenshots of sensitive data on screen.